Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sometimes I Wonder????

I don't know if it is just because she is a teenager or what, but sometimes my daughter really makes me wonder.....

She is 13 and has never shown any particular interest in ANY subject matter. She worked hard at all of them, but she didn't really "like" any one alone. She also had not discussed a career at all......... THEN.........

She started watching BONES. You know, that wonderful television show with the forensic anthropologist and team who can ALWAYS figure out how a person died.....


She has now become obsessed with the show, with the study of dead bodies, and is talking about being a coroner or a forensic anthropologist... Go figure....

This girl who has NEVER really felt that she was good at science.....
This girl who still says she isn't good at science....
This girl who is terrified of spiders........

Has suddenly started saying that bugs are "neat" and wants to spend her days analyzing skeletons and wounds.....

That really makes me WONDER??? If she gets hooked on a television show about astronauts do you think she will want to go into space??? LOL!

Regardless, I have documented this sudden interest in a layout...


  1. I love the spring look of your blog. :-) And your layout! What fun! My 14-going-on-15 y.o. boy has no idea what he wants to do. He only knows that he wants to live somewhere where there is a ton of snow.LOL!

  2. First love your layout, what a neat way to document a life goal of hers.
    Now we were late in watching this series, but my daughter got us hooked. We spent a month watching the DVD's.
